Senator Jacob Javits to Senator Lister Hill


An education bill identical to the one the House passed was introduced in the Senate. Democratic leaders were determined to pass the bill, S. 370, without amendments in order to avoid either House reconsideration or a conference committee. When the Labor and Public Welfare Committee reported S. 370 unanimously and without amendments, the fight shifted to the Senate floor. Two days after the bill was reported from the committee, Lister Hill (D-AL), chair of the Labor and Public Welfare Committee, received this letter from Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) stating that he would introduce an amendment changing the funding formula. After Javit’s amendment was defeated, the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 73 to 18, and two days later President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act into law.


Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904-1986. "Senator Jacob Javits to Senator Lister Hill." Senator Jacob Javits to Senator Lister Hill, March 8, 1965; “Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965” folder, Box 4; Senate Committee on Education and Public Welfare; 89th Congress; Records of the U.S. Senate, RG 46; National Archives.. Accessed 27 July 2024.

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Senator Jacob Javits to Senator Lister Hill


Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965


An education bill identical to the one the House passed was introduced in the Senate. Democratic leaders were determined to pass the bill, S. 370, without amendments in order to avoid either House reconsideration or a conference committee. When the Labor and Public Welfare Committee reported S. 370 unanimously and without amendments, the fight shifted to the Senate floor. Two days after the bill was reported from the committee, Lister Hill (D-AL), chair of the Labor and Public Welfare Committee, received this letter from Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) stating that he would introduce an amendment changing the funding formula. After Javit’s amendment was defeated, the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 73 to 18, and two days later President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act into law.


Javits, Jacob K. (Jacob Koppel), 1904-1986


Senator Jacob Javits to Senator Lister Hill, March 8, 1965; “Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965” folder, Box 4; Senate Committee on Education and Public Welfare; 89th Congress; Records of the U.S. Senate, RG 46; National Archives.


Association of Centers for the Study of Congress




Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration


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