Draft with edits of Congressman Bob Dole's statement introducing legislation to establish a federal public records law. Original text was written by J. Philip Carlson, who Minority Counsel for the House Committee on Government Operations from…
Correspondence between John H. Colburn and Congressmen John E. Moss and Bob Dole about S. 1160 and Dole's bill, H.R. 12160. Colburn is writing as Chairman of the Federal Laws Committee of the American Newspapers Publishers Association and Editor and…
Correspondence between John H. Colburn and Congressman Bob Dole about the differing House and Senate versions of freedom of information bills. Colburn, Chairman of the Federal Laws Committee of the American Newspapers Publishers Association and…
Correspondence between Congressman Bob Dole and Paul Conrad, a representative of the National Newspaper Association. Conrad writes on behalf of the organization, which represents nearly 7,000 publishers and editors in all 50 states, to thank Dole…
This article raises many questions and contentions with the United States' foreign aid and Food for Peace programs. It argues that these programs are not producing the intended results and require major revision to bring about change in the countries…
The article describes the U.S. decision on continued foreign aid and agricultural assistance to India after the Congressional Delegation traveled to that country. The grain shipments to India would end on January 1, 1967 if President Johnson did not…
Letter from Congressman William L. Dawson to Congressman John E. Moss, who was Chairman of the Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations. This letter outlines the jursidictions of the…
Congressman Robert J. Dole presents his observations from the congressional trip to India. He emphasizes the need to organize and coordinate agriculture assistance through other countries, but he also states that progress in India has been made…
Letter from Congressman Bob Dole explaining the differences between his bill and others and enclosing other material, including a January 5, 1966, memo by J. Phillip Carlson compairing S. 1160 with H.R. 5012 and companion bills.