Browse Items (446 total)

A letter from freshman Congressman John Conyers congratulating Claude Pepper for his support of the Voting Rights Act.

Draft form letter from the Gallagher office with handwritten annotations concerning correspondence about the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act.

A letter to Representative Gallagher from New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture expressing concern about certain provisions of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act that may preempt state authority, especially concerning weights and measures. Includes…

Arkansas Gazette newspaper clipping describing Arkansas Senator J. William Fullbright's efforts to exempt the state from the Voting Rights Bill of 1965.

This article raises many questions and contentions with the United States' foreign aid and Food for Peace programs. It argues that these programs are not producing the intended results and require major revision to bring about change in the countries…

The article describes the U.S. decision on continued foreign aid and agricultural assistance to India after the Congressional Delegation traveled to that country. The grain shipments to India would end on January 1, 1967 if President Johnson did not…

Letter from Congressman William L. Dawson to Congressman John E. Moss, who was Chairman of the Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations. This letter outlines the jursidictions of the…

News and information from the Democratic National Committee on the Voter Registration Bill; The text quotes a speech of President Lyndon Johnson and lists the major provisions of the Voter Registration Bill.

Summary and background on the bill to guarantee voting rights; The text includes quotes from President Lyndon Johnson's message to a joint session of Congress, a detailed explanation of the major provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, quotes…

A 5-page document detailing the provisions of the bill, the Senate's actions, and the hearings held in the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.
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