Browse Items (446 total)

A report from John Dowdy on the Voting Rights Act of 1965, federal aid to education, and the continuing federal deficit; In the first section, the report explains how the Voting Rights Act will affect states' rights in regards to voting…

A report from John Dowdy on communist influence in student demonstrations, the Voting Rights Bill, the Hate America campaigns, and the national debt; In the first section, Dowdy reports that the president of Howard University has blamed recent…

A report from John Dowdy on foreign aid, the Voting Rights Bill, and the state of the U.S. Constitution; In the first section, Dowdy reports on an increase in authorized foreign aid and his opposition to this increase. The second section discusses a…

A report from John Dowdy on an amendment to the Voting Rights Bill and communist riots at the University of California and in Chicago; In the first section, the report discusses an amendment to the Voting Rights Bill that would discourage the…

A report from John Dowdy on the Washington Action Project, the Voting Rights Bill, low-fat cheese, and a test city for federal control; In the first section, Dowdy informs his constituents of the Washington Action Project riot in Washington, DC. The…

Testimony of Congressman John Dowdy before the Subcommittee #5 of the Committee on the Judiciary in Opposition to HR 6400; In his testimony, Dowdy argues that the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional.

Opinion Ballot from a constituent in Rockdale, Texas on the subject of whether Congress should pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965; The constituent writes that he is not opposed to literacy tests if they are adminstered fairly and without…

News and information from the Democratic National Committee on the Voter Registration Bill; The text quotes a speech of President Lyndon Johnson and lists the major provisions of the Voter Registration Bill.

Summary and background on the bill to guarantee voting rights; The text includes quotes from President Lyndon Johnson's message to a joint session of Congress, a detailed explanation of the major provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, quotes…

Edited speech by Rep. John Dowdy on voting rights printed on the back of Dowdy stationary
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