In this letter, Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) about a revised version of the Senate's Fair Packaging Legislation and suggests that Staggers may want to introduce the bill in the House.
In this statement, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains that the purpose of the Truth in Packaging legislation, H.R. 15440, is to reduce confusion at the market place and facilitate easier price comparisons.
The booklet is a summary of the Highway Safety Action Program that details findings and policy recommendations, including that highway regulations should be uniform across jurisdictions and that new safety standards should be developed.
Representative Harley O. Staggers used this document to compare the number of battle deaths in United States history to the number of motor vehicle accidents that had occurred in the past fifty years.
In this letter to Representative Harley O. Staggers, Senator Warren G. Magnuson explains why the Senate chose to separate the Tire Bill and Traffic Safety Bill and urges the House to adopt these as separate pieces of legislation.
This memorandum to Representative Harley O. Staggers details a meeting with Department of Commerce officials and how they prefered the title established in H.R. 13228 to the title in S. 3005.
Representative Harley O. Staggers delivered this speech to the Rules Committee in support of H.R. 13228, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966.