In this statement, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains that the purpose of the Truth in Packaging legislation, H.R. 15440, is to reduce confusion at the market place and facilitate easier price comparisons.
The booklet is a summary of the Highway Safety Action Program that details findings and policy recommendations, including that highway regulations should be uniform across jurisdictions and that new safety standards should be developed.
In this statement, Representative Harley O. Staggers presents H.R. 13228 and explains that it improves automobile safety standards with an emphasis on tire manufacturers.
In a statement before the Committee on Rules, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains the provisions in H. R. 15440 that regulate fair labelling standards for goods.
House Committee on the Judiciary staff informed Representative Arch A. Moore (R-WV) that Representative William M. McCulloch (R-OH) requested a memo outlining the House position on Senate amendments to H.R. 2580 for use in speaking to Senator Everett…
This copy of S. 985, the "Fair Packaging and Labeling Act," includes the committee revisions made by the Senate. Overall, the Act established regulations to make price comparisons easier among product labels.
The Republican Congressional Committee Newsletter dated August 30, 1965, featured a political cartoon and article describing Republican criticism of Great Society spending plans and President Lyndon Johnson's "lack of candor" about the military…
In a portion of a draft speech, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) refers to his bill, H.R. 15440, as the "Housewives' Bill" and explains the impact it will have on women consumers.