Browse Items (446 total)

In the interest of time, Bayh suggested considering the resolution section by section. After nearly three hours of working over the language, the committee voted to report S. J. Res. 1 in a revised form to the full Senate.

Identical bills were introduced in the House and Senate in the first week of January by Emmanuel Celler (D-NY) and Birch Bayh (D-IN) respectively.

The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Emmanuel Celler (D-NY), had come on board to support S. J. Res. 139 in late May 1964. Since the 65 senators present for the vote had approved the amendment and another 20 had indicated support, the task in…

The revised S. J. Res. 139 that was reported by the Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments to the Judiciary Committee on May 27, 1964 and then on August 13 by the Judiciary Committee to the full Senate with unanimous support had stripped out that…

On May 3, 1965, Senator Howard W. Cannon (D-NV) wrote Muskie about the serious threat to the Las Vegas Valley water supply if the House version of S. 4 became law and hoped “that you and other Senate conferees will insist that the Senate position on…

On January 6, 1965, Senator Edmund S. Muskie (D-ME) introduced S. 4, an administration-backed bill, and in this press release on the same day, declared that the purpose of the bill “is to encourage prevention of pollution as well as to attack the…

In the spring of 1964, President Johnson sent a request to Congress to authorize special aid to the economically depressed Appalachian region, and on September 25, 1964, the Senate passed an Appalachia bill that closely followed the president’s…

On May 18, 1965, the Senate passed S. 306 by a voice vote without debate. On September 24, the House passed an amended S. 306 by a vote of 294 to 4. On September 29, Acting Secretary of HEW, Wilbur Cohen, wrote Muskie of the administration’s…

This letter to Muskie from R. C. Brown, the Director of Research at Caterpillar Tractor Company in Peoria, Illinois, indicated that the air quality control provisions of S. 306 affected an array of economic interests. As the nation’s leading…

On the first day of the subcommittee hearings, the Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), James M. Quigley, made comments that seemed to place the administration at odds with Muskie and S. 306. Quigley declared that the…
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