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Edwin "Wink" Midgett, head of the Department of Business Education at Middle Tennessee State University calling for Gore to support increased efforts to win the conflict in Vietnam, dated February 8, 1966. The letter is on MTSU letterhead.

Handwritten exchange between Speaker Carl Albert and Oklahoma State Representative Howard Williams discussing an amendment to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act to provide an exemption from automobile safety standards to protect small…

ALS with enclosure describes constituent concerns about the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act and the need to follow the Constitution. TL from Representative Carl Albert (D-OK) expresses his confidence that debate about the bill will…

In this letter to Representative Harley O. Staggers, Senator Warren G. Magnuson explains why the Senate chose to separate the Tire Bill and Traffic Safety Bill and urges the House to adopt these as separate pieces of legislation.

TLS from constituent in Muskogee, Oklahoma expresses opposition to the Housing and Urban Development Act, perceived as a Socialist plot. TL from Carl Albert assures the constituent of his consideration of this perspective.

TLS from constituent in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma expresses opposition to the creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development for fear that it would expand the reach of the Federal government and discourage home ownership. TL from Carl…

ALS describes constituent concerns about the federal government's involvement in voting rights legislation and the danger of social rights movements, TL from Harris notes the complexity of the issues but explains his support for guaranteeing all…

TLS from constituent encourages Rep. Steed to vote for the Highway Beautification Act. Enclosed with the letter was a document the constituent received as part of a campaign by the National Advertising Company to undermine the legislation. TL from…

ALS describes constituent's situation in Selma, Alabama and asks for Albert's support and influence, TL from Albert reassures consitutent he is aware of conditions in Selma and that voting rights legislation will soon be passed.

ALS from constituent asks why states with discriminatory practices against other minority groups are not included in the voting rights legislation, TL from Albert notes the difficulty Congressional subcommittees are having drafting a voting rights…
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