Browse Items (446 total)

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…

Robert N. Giaimo (D-CT) was a member of the 86th-96th Congresses from the Third District of Connecticut (New Haven area) from 1958-1980. Giaimo served on the Housing and Urban Development subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee in the…

A Dear Colleague letter from Page Belcher that uses a perceived insult in a letter from Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman to argue for an amendment to block North Vietnam and Cuba from benefitting from the proposed Food for Peace program.…

Office notes from Representative Belcher's staff noting which members received his Dear Colleague letter about the Food for Peace Act.

A letter from Larry Jones of Oklahoma City expressing opposition to the Food for Peace program out of concern that it damaged the war effort in Vietnam. Includes Representative Belcher's response.
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