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As the U.S. became more involved with the conflict in Vietnam, many constituents, such as this Philadelphia resident, wrote to Senator John J. Williams urging him to employ the aid of the United Nations to mediate the war.

While visiting the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. was given a map displaying the areas of conflict in Vietnam as well as an economic map of Southeast Asia. The map also includes a timeline of the conflict, ranging from…

Claude Pepper shaking hands with President Johnson after the signing of the Voting Rights Act as Ralph Abernathy and Martin Luther King, Jr. look on.

Folder with "Welcome to India" printed on the front

Excerpt of Fowler West's Travel Diary from his agricultural trip to India in December of 1966

Out of concern for President Johnson's "undeclared war," a resident of Westville, Indiana, calls upon Senator Bayh. The constituent writes, "I am asking you as my elected official to curtail the Executive grab for power and all the senseless…

Bayh and his staff had managed to line up 72 cosponsors and they reached out to the White House, resulting in a mention of succession legislation in the State of the Union speech. On Jan 28 the White House sent a full-fledged endorsement of S. J.…

On May 18, 1965, the Senate passed S. 306 by a voice vote without debate. On September 24, the House passed an amended S. 306 by a vote of 294 to 4. On September 29, Acting Secretary of HEW, Wilbur Cohen, wrote Muskie of the administration’s…

Senator Prouty's opening statement before the Education Subcommittee began hearings on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his philosophy on education and sentiments about its importance and status.

An invitation from officers of the Young Americans for Freedom to the staffs of the members of Congress extends an invitation to attend the "Light Up for Freedom" Rally. The invitation states that the rally's purpose is to demonstrate support of the…
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