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Following President Lyndon B. Johnson's announcement of the Voting Rights bill on March 15, 1965, Senator Williams introduced the "Clean Elections" amendment to the bill on March 18, 1965. Williams emphasized that although he supported the principle…

In this response letter, Senator Williams responds to a constituent's inquiry about U.S. support for the Mekong Delta Project, a project announced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in a televised speech at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,…

In this constituent response letter, Senator John J. Williams acknowledged the constituent's comments about the televised hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee dealing with the Johnson administration's conduct of the war in Vietnam.

Senator John J. Williams believed that public education should be funded and directed by state and local communities and not the federal government. He stated that the bill contained "within it the seeds of the first Federal education system," which…

This Delawarean, along with many other constituents, wrote to Senator Williams urging the United States government to support the Mekong Delta River project to develop infrastructure along the Mekong River in the southwestern region of Vietnam.

Senator Williams was often quoted as saying that he believed in giving every citizen the right to vote regardless of race; however, he was against the federal government interfering with state and local elections.

Left to right: Senators Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), Philip Hart (D-MI), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Mike Mansfield (D-MT), Everett Dirksen (R-IL), and Jacob Javits (R-NY)

Staff notes capture the flavor of the debate.

On the first two points compromise was reached, but the third ran up against the Senate’s insistence on unlimited debate, and negotiations stalled.

Senators Everett Dirsken (R-IL) and Mike Mansfield (D-MT)
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