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USDA Press Release; Text: "USDA Announces Amendment to Food for Peace Agreement with India: The U. S. Department of Agriculture today announced further amendment to the Sept. 30, 1964, Food for Peace agreement between the United States and India…

Graph representing the projected number of malnourished children in free world developing countries from 1966-1975; page 19 of the February 10, 1966 Food for Freedom booklet

Folder with "Welcome to India" printed on the front

A press release from the Muncie, Indiana Jaycees encouraging citizens to "flood American troops in the Asian area with morale-building letters showing all-out support from the home front."

Telegraph from Robert Heath of the Washington Committee of the University Christian Movement to Representative Harold Cooley; Text: "We affirm Food for Peace bill but deplore political strings attached by House which encroach upon sovereighty (sic)…

The Disabled American Veterans organization sent a letter and wall map of Vietnam to Senator John J. Williams.

Excerpt of Fowler West's Travel Diary from his agricultural trip to India in December of 1966

Photograph of Senator Everett Dirksen and President Lyndon Baines Johnson

In this response letter, Senator Williams acknowledges the constituent's concern over the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. Williams also affirms the United States government's commitment to aiding South Vietnam against the Communist…

In this exchange, a Wilmington resident attending Stanford University expresses his frustrations with the Johnson administration's policy on Vietnam. He reported to Senator Williams the increase of professors and students who were joining protests…
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