Browse Items (446 total)

The revised S. J. Res. 139 that was reported by the Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments to the Judiciary Committee on May 27, 1964 and then on August 13 by the Judiciary Committee to the full Senate with unanimous support had stripped out that…

On the first day of the subcommittee hearings, the Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), James M. Quigley, made comments that seemed to place the administration at odds with Muskie and S. 306. Quigley declared that the…

President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s health problems and President John F. Kennedy’s assassination heightened support for a constitutional amendment to address the exercise of presidential power in the event of presidential disability and to provide a…

In this undated memo, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Minority Leader of the Senate, placed himself on record as opposing Bayh’s amendment. Dirksen stated that the proposed constitutional amendment was too detailed and filled with ambiguities. He…

The subcommittee’s 1964 report declared that the technological skills and equipment to reduce air pollution had “passed the research stage” and that there was “no valid reason to delay” adoption of emissions control equipment in newly manufactured…

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Esther Peterson on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Peterson was the Assistant Secretary of Labor and the first Chairman of the first President's Committee on…

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Senator Philip Hart (D-MI) on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Senator Hart was involvement with the Truth-in-Packaging bill was discussed in this interview.

These campaign materials highlight Senator Abraham Ribicoff's (D-CT) involvement in legislation related to fair packaging and labeling, traffic safety, and child safety, and place these activities in the context of other legislation related to…

These campaign materials highlight Senator Abraham Ribicoff's (D-CT) involvement in traffic safety legislation, including the Traffic Highway Safety Acts of 1966.

An education bill identical to the one the House passed was introduced in the Senate. Democratic leaders were determined to pass the bill, S. 370, without amendments in order to avoid either House reconsideration or a conference committee. When the…
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