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The Older Americans Act, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 14, 1965, originated in the House of Representatives on January 27, 1965, when John E. Fogarty (D-RI) introduced H.R. 3708. Fogarty’s bill was referred to the House…

On January 18, 1965, Representative Walter Rogers (D-TX) introduced H.R. 3014, a bill that was similar to S. 559. That bill was referred to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee and was reported to the House on June 28 by a committee…

In previous years, legislation providing federal support for the arts had failed in the House, but on July 14, 1965, the House Education and Labor Committee reported H.R. 9460 which was similar to the bill the Senate had approved. Supporters of the…

Two days after the resolution passed, for the first time the House passed by a voice vote legislation providing federal support for the arts and humanities. The clearest indication of the level of support for H.R. 9460, however, came prior to the…

Representative Emanuel Celler sponsored H. J. Res. 1, a companion to the resolution passed by the Senate, and reported it from the House Judiciary Committee on March 24, 1965. This engrossing copy of the resolution passed in the House on April 13,…

When H.R. 6675 reached the floor, it was the first time that a Social Security-based health plan had been debated in the House of Representatives. Republicans continued to fight for a fully voluntary health plan and opposed the universal, Social…

On July 9, 1965, the House rejected the Republican substitute bill, H.R. 7896, by a vote of 166 to 215. The House then considered fourteen amendments to H.R. 6400, but only passed three that made no consequential changes to the bill. The House…

In his State of the Union address, President Lyndon B. Johnson called for an expanded conservation program as part of his vision of the Great Society, and on February 8, 1965, he delivered this Natural Beauty Message declaring that “Every major river…

S. 4 was referred to the House Committee on Public Works, which reported an amended bill on March 31, 1965. The most important amendment dropped the Senate provision authorizing the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to set water quality…

When H.R. 6675 reached the Senate, the risk to the bill came from liberals eager to expand coverage by adding amendments to the bill. One such amendment added to the bill by the Senate Finance Committee shifted coverage of specialized medical…
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