Browse Items (446 total)

Twenty Republican representatives push for an independent Maritime Administration in light of the creation of the Department of Transportation

Press release describing Carl Albert's appeal to 2,400 U.S. Mayors to prevent the defeat of President Kennedy's Reorganization Plan to create the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs.

The press release indicates that the purpose of the Congressional Delegation to India is to take a first-hand look at some of the accomplishments and problems of the Indian economy, with special focus on agriculture and food production. The release…

The agreement was proudly announced to the press.

On March 30, 1966, Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) called on the insurance industry to join the efforts of President Johnson and Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT), among others, to improve vehicle safety.

A Republican Congressional Committee Newsletter article applauded the passage of the Freedom of Information bill.

Representative Feighan did not initially endorse H.R.2580 and was close to organizations such as the American Legion and the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies that resisted immigration reform. Feighan opposed several provisions of H.R. 2580…

This letter to Muskie from R. C. Brown, the Director of Research at Caterpillar Tractor Company in Peoria, Illinois, indicated that the air quality control provisions of S. 306 affected an array of economic interests. As the nation’s leading…

Congressman Stafford regularly recorded radio broadcasts to give constituents in Vermont updates on the activity in Washington. This speech provides information on the main aspects of the Higher Education Act (HR. 9567) which was passed by the House…

A constituent in Heavener, Oklahoma writes to Carl Albert calling for the removal of US forces in Vietnam. In his response, Albert acknowledges this view and mentions that the Administration is anxious to hear Secretary McNamara's report on his visit…
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