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In his State of the Union address, President Lyndon B. Johnson called for an expanded conservation program as part of his vision of the Great Society, and on February 8, 1965, he delivered this Natural Beauty Message declaring that “Every major river…

On June 9, 1966, Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) spoke in support of the Truth-in-Packaging bill.

A press release from the Muncie, Indiana Jaycees encouraging citizens to "flood American troops in the Asian area with morale-building letters showing all-out support from the home front."

House passage of H.R. 3014 provoked strong opposition from health organizations and liberal advocacy groups. On June 24, 1965, Americans for Democratic Action issued this press release stating that the Senate-passed bill “is at least tolerable,” but…

This press release is a statement Congressman Bob Dole made in support of the freedom of information legislation he introduced on Wednesday, January 19th.

This press release was issued in advance of voting on the Freedom of Information Bill, scheduled for June 20, 1966. It explains the bipartisan support the legislation has and rumors that President Lyndon Johnson might veto it.

Robert N. Giaimo (D-CT) was a member of the 86th-96th Congresses from the Third District of Connecticut (New Haven area) from 1958-1980. Giaimo served on the Housing and Urban Development subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee in the…

A press release announces a device that appears quite similar to GPS technology: "a new experimental road-vehicle communications system...that would remind the motorist of speed and traffic signs, enable him to summon help in an emergency, and…

Press release from Joint Senate-House Republican leadership press conference

Twenty Republican representatives push for an independent Maritime Administration in light of the creation of the Department of Transportation
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