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Draft of a weekly radio/tv report given by Dirksen that addresses the United States' expanding military presence in Vietnam.

In this response letter, Senator Williams responds to a constituent's inquiry about U.S. support for the Mekong Delta Project, a project announced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in a televised speech at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,…

Pitkin, in his capacity as president of Goddard College, offered his views on each provision of S. 600 regarding higher education, with a focus on the impact to Goddard.

Babcock, in his capacity as Provost of the Vermont State Colleges, offered his views on bills regarding higher education, with a focus on the impact in Vermont.

Congressman Stafford regularly recorded radio broadcasts to give constituents in Vermont updates on the activity in Washington. This speech provides information on the main aspects of the Higher Education Act (HR. 9567) which was passed by the House…

Notes from a speech given by Congressman Stafford to the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) in Bennington, Vermont. The speech focuses on gains in education during the 89th Congress.

Senator Prouty was the ranking minority member of the Education Subcommittee. He offered multiple amendments to the Higher Education legislation, many of which were accepted.

Senator Prouty sent this newsletter on education to constituents in Vermont. It closes with a warning statement about the actions of the majority and goes some way in expressing a minority sentiment in the Senate.

Senator Prouty's opening statement before the Education Subcommittee began hearings on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his philosophy on education and sentiments about its importance and status.

Senator Prouty's letter to constituents on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his beliefs on the importance of education.
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