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The U.S. Congressional Delegation led by Representative William R. Poage of Texas (center with hat) visit a fair price shop in a village just outside the town of Gaya in the drought-stricken Bihar state and see the distribution of American wheat and…

Congressmen Poage and Dole wearing garlands just presented to them by local villagers in Purnea district, Bihar State. They are shown in a paddy field on newly irrigated land.

Members of the U.S. Congressional Delegation touring a typical village in the drought struck areas of Bihar.

Senator Miller, Congressman Poage and Congressman Dole enjoy a drink of fresh coconut milk during a meeting with rice farmers in Tanore District, Madras State. The Congressmen are wearing garlands of roses presented to them by local farmers.

Congressman Robert J. Dole at Tiruchi Airport wearing a garland of roses presented to him by local farmers who came to the airport to meet him and his colleagues.

The Congressional Delegation sits inside a tent wearing garlands

The press release indicates that the purpose of the Congressional Delegation to India is to take a first-hand look at some of the accomplishments and problems of the Indian economy, with special focus on agriculture and food production. The release…

Members of the Congressional Delegation at Purnea Airport where they inspected the Bihar State Armed Constabulary guard of honor.

Congressmen Poage and Dole are welcomed at New Delhi Airport by Ambassador Chester Bowles. Left to right: Congressman Robert J. Dole, Mr. James Boulware, Agriculture Attache, Congressman William R. Poage, Mrs. Bowles, Abassador Bowles.

A group of South Indian children who turned out in large numbers to greet the U. S. Congressional Delegation in Tanjore District, Madras State.
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