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In a November 19, 1965 issue of his weekly column "Byrd's Eye View," Senator Byrd took a strong stance against the practice of self-immolation, which was being practiced by Vietnam War protesters. Senator Byrd declared such acts to be "foreign to our…

Senator Byrd reported the upcoming election in South Vietnam and pointed to the act as a significant moment in history, and one which justified U.S. involvement in the efforts of establishing a strong democracy in the country in his September 2, 1966…

During the late fall of 1965, Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. met with Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Vietnam. The meeting was part of Congressman Staggers' fact-finding trip in advance of his appointment to the…

While visiting the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. was given a map displaying the areas of conflict in Vietnam as well as an economic map of Southeast Asia. The map also includes a timeline of the conflict, ranging from…

Following his 1965 visit to the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. continued a correspondence with diplomatic officials at the embassy. This letter from Ralph Francis Earl to Congressman Staggers, Sr. describes the political…

Letter from constituent expressing concern by the alleged offers of food and blood to the Viet Cong by groups in the United States. Response from Carl Albert informs the constituent that he will forward the concerns to the Department of State…

A constituent in Heavener, Oklahoma writes to Carl Albert calling for the removal of US forces in Vietnam. In his response, Albert acknowledges this view and mentions that the Administration is anxious to hear Secretary McNamara's report on his visit…

A from constituent in Poteau, Oklahoma writes to Senator Mike Monroney and calls for the immediate end of the Vietnam War through whatever means necessary. A response from Representative Carl Albert thanks the constituent for sharing their views and…

An invitation from officers of the Young Americans for Freedom to the staffs of the members of Congress extends an invitation to attend the "Light Up for Freedom" Rally. The invitation states that the rally's purpose is to demonstrate support of the…

Correspondence from Lawrence F. O'Brien, Special Assistant to the President, thanking Albert for his comments on policy in Vietnam to deter aggression from Hanoi. Enclosed is a copy of Albert's comments in the House of Representatives Congressional…
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