Browse Items (446 total)

An article from The Washington Post reporting the final committee vote on the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, sending it to the House of Representatives for passage. The article describes the arduous hearings and the testimony of some…

On January 11, 1964, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a detailed report concluding that cigarette smoking was a health hazard warranting “appropriate remedial action.” In June 1964, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that beginning January…

Vehicle safety invention, the Triex D-Light, is intended to decrease rear-end collisions by notifying other drivers when a vehicle is decelerating.

As further amendments were proposed, it became clear to Sam Ervin and others of divergent positions that they were setting a dangerous precedent in allowing amendments to a proposed constitutional amendment on the Senate floor. When Bayh began to…

Group of charts with graphical representations of U.S. food exports as measured by volume and cost. The graphs also compare U.S. exports to other countries and show the impact on the U.S. dollar.

HR 13361, the Childhood Nutrition Act, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 7, 1966. During the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson’s landmark set of domestic programs, known as the Great Society, refocused attention on issues of…

A news release from Mo Udall to all members of the House of Representatives detailing crucial voting days leading up to the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

Members of the Congressional Delegation in Tanjoke District, Madras State, in front of a ceremonial tent where they met with farmers and village workers.

Children crowding around Congressman Robert J. Dole were given pieces of candy by the friendly Kansas legislator.

Members of the Congressional Delegation during a briefing at the Port of Madras, one of the principal unloading points for grain and fertilizer shipments from the United States.
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