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In a statement before the Committee on Rules, Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) explains the provisions in H. R. 15440 that regulate fair labelling standards for goods.

A telegram urging the senator's opposition to the bill because package standardization "would stifle innovation and cause large and unnecessary increases in the production cost and consumer prices of foods."

Correspondence between Stanley H. Stauffer and Congressman Bob Dole. Stauffer writes as the General Manager of the Topeka Capital-Journal, in Topeka, Kansas, to express support for the freedom of information legislation.

TLS expresses constituent's belief that billboards play a positive role for travelers, something that he felt the Highway Beautification Act would undermine. TL from Rep. Steed acknowledges these concerns and promises to seek practical solutions to…

TLS from constituent encourages Rep. Steed to vote for the Highway Beautification Act. Enclosed with the letter was a document the constituent received as part of a campaign by the National Advertising Company to undermine the legislation. TL from…

Signed Dear Colleague letter from members of the House Committee on Public Works encouraging members to vote for the Highway Beautification Act of 1965.

After the House agreed to the conference report on June 30, 1965 and the Senate agreed on July 6, the resolution was sent to the General Services Administration for transmittal to the states. On July 9, 1965, Senator John Stennis (D-MS), a senior,…

The American Committee on Immigration Policies pamphlet warned against repeal of the national origins quota, supported restriction and regulation of immigration to the United States, and urged constituents to contact their senators and…

The booklet is a summary of the Highway Safety Action Program that details findings and policy recommendations, including that highway regulations should be uniform across jurisdictions and that new safety standards should be developed.

An article from The Washington Post describing Michigan Governor George Romney's testimony before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce during hearings on the National Motor Vehicle Safety Act. The article is authored by George…
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