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On January 13, 1965, Representative Emanuel Celler (D-NY) introduced in the House of Representatives an administration-backed immigration bill, H.R. 2580. On March 3, the Subcommittee on Immigration and Nationality, chaired by Representative Michael…

House Committee on the Judiciary staff informed Representative Arch A. Moore (R-WV) that Representative William M. McCulloch (R-OH) requested a memo outlining the House position on Senate amendments to H.R. 2580 for use in speaking to Senator Everett…

Representative Feighan did not initially endorse H.R.2580 and was close to organizations such as the American Legion and the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies that resisted immigration reform. Feighan opposed several provisions of H.R. 2580…

The American Committee on Immigration Policies pamphlet warned against repeal of the national origins quota, supported restriction and regulation of immigration to the United States, and urged constituents to contact their senators and…

Celler, the dean of the House in the 89th Congress, was the only member who was in Congress in 1924 when the Immigration Quota Act passed. He voted against it and had been an ardent foe of national immigration quotas for forty years. On April 28,…

The House Judiciary Committee and the Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee received much correspondence from individuals and groups explaining how national immigration quotas adversely affected them. This letter from the General Counsel of…

The administration had to make concessions to Representative Feighan to get his support for the Celler bill. The House Judiciary Committee’s August 3, 1965 vote of 27 to 4 to report an amended H.R. 2580 to the House was the major milestone for…

On December 3, 1965, Senator Byrd used his weekly "Byrd's Eye View" column to speak to the threat posed to the United States by a communist take-over of Korea and Vietnam as he reflected on the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In…

Senator Byrd predicts the major issues that will impact voters during the 1966 elections, including the Vietnam War in his New Year's "Byrd's Eye View" column printed on December 31, 1965.

In a February 4, 1966 edition of his "Byrd's Eye View" column, Senator Byrd discusses the anti-war protests, foreseeing an increase in the opposition as the U.S. prepared to tighten the restrictions on deferments from the draft as hostilities in…
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