Browse Items (446 total)

Distinguished visitors in South India are traditionally greeted with these enormous horns.

House Hearing luncheon, Presidential succession: Sen. Birch Bayh (D-IN) and [House Judiciary Committee?]

House Judiciary Committee hearing on Presidential succession, S.J. Res. 1

Members of the Congressional Delegation in Tanjoke District, Madras State, in front of a ceremonial tent where they met with farmers and village workers.

Official White-House photograph of President Johnson meeting with Congressional leaders in the cabinet during February 1965.

After/before Presidential succession hearing in the Old Senate Office Building committee room: Rep. Craig Hosmer (R-CA); Rep. Emmanuel Celler (D-NY); Sen. Birch Bayh (D-IN), Rep. William McCulloch (R-OH)

Members of the Congressional Delegation at Purnea Airport where they inspected the Bihar State Armed Constabulary guard of honor.

Official photographic portrait of Representative Carl Albert as the House Majority Leader in the 89th Congress.

Speaker of the House of Representatives, John McCormack. Image cropped from a photograph of the speaker with Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. and a group of 4-H members at a breakfast on Capitol Hill.
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