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S. 4 was referred to the House Committee on Public Works, which reported an amended bill on March 31, 1965. The most important amendment dropped the Senate provision authorizing the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to set water quality…

On May 3, 1965, Senator Howard W. Cannon (D-NV) wrote Muskie about the serious threat to the Las Vegas Valley water supply if the House version of S. 4 became law and hoped “that you and other Senate conferees will insist that the Senate position on…

Correspondence to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. from behavioral science faculty of Middle Tennessee State University supporting Gore's stance in opposition to continued U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict. The letter is on MTSU letterhead and gives…

Correspondence to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. from the head of the Department of Business Education at Middle Tennessee State University calling for Gore to support increased efforts to win the conflict in Vietnam.

Correspondence to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. from Miss Mary Hall at Middle Tennessee State College calling for an end to the conflict in Vietnam. Handwritten on MTSC letterhead and was written the year before the college attained university status.…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. criticizing Gore's efforts to end the conflict in Vietnam. The letter references communism, other world leaders, and makes a particular reference to Neville Chamberlain in a handwritten…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. criticizing Gore's efforts to end the conflict in Vietnam, undated. The letter is informal and handwritten on a sheet of unlined notepaper with a torn bottom edge. The letter addresses Gore…

A San Antonio businessman urges Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez to support President Johnson's increased funding requests for the Vietnam War. Rep. Gonzalez responds with luke-warm support for President Johnson's Vietnam policy, stating that he is "not…

On January 4, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson called on Congress to eliminate the nation’s forty-year-old national origins quota system as the basis for immigration and pass an immigration law “based on the work a man can do and not where he was…

In a Dear Colleague letter, Representative Arch A. Moore (R-WV) provided a brief summary of the Immigration bill reported out by the House Committee on the Judiciary on August 3, 1965. He wrote that H.R. 2580 was completely rewritten by the…
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