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Correspondence to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. from Miss Mary Hall at Middle Tennessee State College calling for an end to the conflict in Vietnam. Handwritten on MTSC letterhead and was written the year before the college attained university status.…

Writing from Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, an Army Chaplain spouse relates the complex emotions her husband is encountering during his service in Vietnam. She shares details from his letters home with Senator Bayh.

On June 1, 1965, the House Judiciary Committee reported a revised H.R. 6400, but Celler endured a month’s delay in bringing the bill to the floor when Howard W. Smith (D-VA), chair of the House Committee on Rules, kept the voting rights bill bottled…

In this constituent response letter, Senator John J. Williams acknowledged the constituent's comments about the televised hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee dealing with the Johnson administration's conduct of the war in Vietnam.

July 1966 monthly report for the Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations. This report notes on page 7 that on July 4, 1966, the President signed into law (P.L. 89-487) S. 1160, the…

A memorandum to Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN) from his legislative department staff explained the changes to a new draft of S. 1666, a bill to amend the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. The draft was being considered by the Subcommittee on…

The administration had to make concessions to Representative Feighan to get his support for the Celler bill. The House Judiciary Committee’s August 3, 1965 vote of 27 to 4 to report an amended H.R. 2580 to the House was the major milestone for…

The article describes the U.S. decision on continued foreign aid and agricultural assistance to India after the Congressional Delegation traveled to that country. The grain shipments to India would end on January 1, 1967 if President Johnson did not…

As further amendments were proposed, it became clear to Sam Ervin and others of divergent positions that they were setting a dangerous precedent in allowing amendments to a proposed constitutional amendment on the Senate floor. When Bayh began to…
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