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On December 3, 1965, Senator Byrd used his weekly "Byrd's Eye View" column to speak to the threat posed to the United States by a communist take-over of Korea and Vietnam as he reflected on the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In…

Senator Byrd predicts the major issues that will impact voters during the 1966 elections, including the Vietnam War in his New Year's "Byrd's Eye View" column printed on December 31, 1965.

In a February 4, 1966 edition of his "Byrd's Eye View" column, Senator Byrd discusses the anti-war protests, foreseeing an increase in the opposition as the U.S. prepared to tighten the restrictions on deferments from the draft as hostilities in…

Senator Byrd defined the ornithological terminology which the press had adopted in describing how various members of the U.S. Federal Government stood on issues regarding military efforts in Vietnam in a February 18, 1966 issue of "Byrd's Eye View."

Senator Byrd reported the upcoming election in South Vietnam and pointed to the act as a significant moment in history, and one which justified U.S. involvement in the efforts of establishing a strong democracy in the country in his September 2, 1966…

On this temporary Congressional phone directory, Congressman Claude Pepper kept track of which of his colleagues could be counted on to support his amendment to the Social Security Act of 1965.

A letter from Paul Rodgers, the Assistant Attorney General of the State of Georgia expressing opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965; In the letter, the author explains his opposition to the Voting Rights Act and then offers a number of…

Correspondence between Congressman Donald Rumsfeld and Bob Dole regarding a letter Dole received from a Kansas publisher about a Rumsfeld speech.

Letter from Congressman Donald Rumsfeld to Congressman Bob Dole offering excerpts from freedom of information speech he made recently.

Newspaper article and political cartoon from The San Diego Union; Article is titled "U.S. Stockpile Dangerously Low, Wheat Weighs in Diplomacy"; Cartoon is titled "A Fire Has Been Brought to My Attention"
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