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A speech given by Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. to the Traffic Club of Washington D.C. during its "National Transportation Week" program held at the Willard Hotel on May 15-21, 1966.

A United Press International (UPI) wire with remarks from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford on the Senate Hearings on the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. The wire also includes a statement from Congressman Staggers.

In this response letter, Senator Williams responds to a constituent's inquiry about U.S. support for the Mekong Delta Project, a project announced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in a televised speech at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,…

After World War II, average life expectancy increased, the number of Americans above 65 years old grew, and national organizations representing the elderly proliferated. This document, prepared for Senator John Sparkman (D-AL) and similar statistical…

This memorandum briefed Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) on an upcoming meeting with Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, Paul Dixon, about cigarette labeling and advertising.

Typescript of memorandum drafted by John E. Barriere on talking points for Albert's speech on Legislative Leadership and the Great Society agenda.

September 1965 memoradum from Congresswoman Florence P. Dwyer on freedom of information. The memo was written by Minority Counsel, J. Philip Carlson.

A staff memorandum to Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN) summarizes the Cigarette Labeling Act as reported by the Commerce Committee and proposed amendments.

A memorandum to Senator Bayh briefing him on a meeting with Cyrus Eaton, who recently returned from a trip to the Soviet Union. His conclusions are summarized in the memo indicating the situation is very grave noting a high probability that the…

This memorandum to Representative Harley O. Staggers details a meeting with Department of Commerce officials and how they prefered the title established in H.R. 13228 to the title in S. 3005.
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