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Senator Prouty was the ranking minority member of the Education Subcommittee. He offered multiple amendments to the Higher Education legislation, many of which were accepted.

Senator Prouty sent this newsletter on education to constituents in Vermont. It closes with a warning statement about the actions of the majority and goes some way in expressing a minority sentiment in the Senate.

Senator Prouty's opening statement before the Education Subcommittee began hearings on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his philosophy on education and sentiments about its importance and status.

Senator Prouty's letter to constituents on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his beliefs on the importance of education.

Senator Winston L. Prouty (R. - Vt.) right, receiving a Certificate of Life Membership in the American Industrial Arts Association in recognition of his successful sponsorship of a program of Federal Assistance to Industrial Arts Education. Making…

Senator Prouty received dozens of letters from constituents concerned with funding for education in the industrial arts. He introduced a successful amendment for the inclusion of industrial arts under the section of the Higher Education Act relative…

Following his 1965 visit to the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Congressman Harley O. Staggers, Sr. continued a correspondence with diplomatic officials at the embassy. This letter from Ralph Francis Earl to Congressman Staggers, Sr. describes the political…

Although many constituents lauded Senator Williams for his work on the "Clean Elections" amendment to the Voting Rights Act, not everyone was in favor of passage of the bill as a whole and found it to be unconstitutional.

On December 1, 1964, West Virginia Senator Jennings Randolph wrote his in-state colleague, Senator Robert C. Byrd, requesting support for a bill that would provide aid to depressed areas throughout the Appalachian region. The Senate had passed a…

The Republican Congressional Committee Newsletter dated August 30, 1965, featured a political cartoon and article describing Republican criticism of Great Society spending plans and President Lyndon Johnson's "lack of candor" about the military…
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