Browse Items (446 total)

Letter from a constituent in Willis, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy written on the back of a questionnaire; The questionnaire asks for constituents to give their opinion on the current political issues of 1965. The questionnaire is filled out and a letter…

Senator Prouty's letter to constituents on the Higher Education Act of 1965 highlights his beliefs on the importance of education.

Senator Prouty received dozens of letters from constituents concerned with funding for education in the industrial arts. He introduced a successful amendment for the inclusion of industrial arts under the section of the Higher Education Act relative…

Senator Prouty was the ranking minority member of the Education Subcommittee. He offered multiple amendments to the Higher Education legislation, many of which were accepted.

People all over the United States wrote to Senator Williams voicing their opinions on the pending Voting Rights legislation. Many, such as this group of concerned constituents from Grace Church in Wilmington, Delaware, urged the senator to vote for…

A letter from Larry Jones of Oklahoma City expressing opposition to the Food for Peace program out of concern that it damaged the war effort in Vietnam. Includes Representative Belcher's response.

In this letter, Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) about a revised version of the Senate's Fair Packaging Legislation and suggests that Staggers may want to introduce the bill in the House.

Letter from Congressman Bob Dole explaining the differences between his bill and others and enclosing other material, including a January 5, 1966, memo by J. Phillip Carlson compairing S. 1160 with H.R. 5012 and companion bills.

Letter from Congressman William L. Dawson to Congressman John E. Moss, who was Chairman of the Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations. This letter outlines the jursidictions of the…

Letters from a constituent in New Britain, Pennsylvania to Rep. John Dowdy urging that he stay away from liberal Republicans and praising Dowdy's statement on the Voting Rights Bill before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee; In the first…
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