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A letter from Larry Jones of Oklahoma City expressing opposition to the Food for Peace program out of concern that it damaged the war effort in Vietnam. Includes Representative Belcher's response.

A copy of the remarks made by Congressman Claude Pepper on the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Claude Pepper shaking hands with President Johnson after the signing of the Voting Rights Act as Ralph Abernathy and Martin Luther King, Jr. look on.

As the U.S. became more involved with the conflict in Vietnam, many constituents, such as this Philadelphia resident, wrote to Senator John J. Williams urging him to employ the aid of the United Nations to mediate the war.

"Pickle's Washington Report" chronicles Texas Congressman Jake Pickle's backing of the Voting Rights Act. His support was tempered by his belief that the poll tax issue should be decided by the states rather than the federal government.

Pitkin, in his capacity as president of Goddard College, offered his views on each provision of S. 600 regarding higher education, with a focus on the impact to Goddard.

Opinion Ballot from a constituent in Rockdale, Texas on the subject of whether Congress should pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965; The constituent writes that he is not opposed to literacy tests if they are adminstered fairly and without…

In this letter, Congressmen W. R. Poage and Robert J. Dole and Senator Jack Miller describe their trip to India and urge the Secretary of Agriculture to consider a donation of 1.8 million tons of grain to India. They argue that the donation should be…

Excerpt of W. R. Poage's Travel Diary from his agricultural trip to India in December of 1966

This constituent expressed the opinion that the Highway Beautification Act could be too strict and negatively impact his business.
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