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Typed letter from a constituent in California to Rep. Dowdy opposing the Voting Rights Bill of 1965

Typed letter sent from Amarillo, Texas opposing HR 6400 (Voting Rights); The author of the letter expresses his concern that the Voting Rights Bill would harm states' rights and urges Dowdy to "do everything possible to prevent passage" of the bill.

Letters from a constituent in New Britain, Pennsylvania to Rep. John Dowdy urging that he stay away from liberal Republicans and praising Dowdy's statement on the Voting Rights Bill before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee; In the first…

Letter from a constituent in Dallas, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy urging Dowdy to support the relocation of African Americans to Africa; The letter mentions three attachments, a bill format by a Dr. Robert Fand (not included), a letter from O. C. Fisher,…

Letter from a constituent in Diboll, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy urging support for the Voting Rights Bill; In his letter, the constituent expresses his support of passing legislation which would guarantee "the right to vote to every American citizen."…

Letter from a constituent in Willis, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy written on the back of a questionnaire; The questionnaire asks for constituents to give their opinion on the current political issues of 1965. The questionnaire is filled out and a letter…

Postcard from a constituent in Mesquite, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy suggesting that President Johnson is a dictator; The author of the postcard calls for the impeachment of President Johnson due to his apparent resemblance to a dictator. Dowdy replies…

Report comparing three major voting rights bills pending before the House of Representatives during the 89th Congress; The three bills compared are HR 7896: The Republican Bill by Mr. Ford and Mr. McCulloch, HR 6400: The Committee-Celler Bill by Mr.…

A letter from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference on the March for Freedom Flag Committee; The letter asks for volunteers to help with the 1965 March for Freedom from Selma to Montgomery.

A letter from Paul Rodgers, the Assistant Attorney General of the State of Georgia expressing opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965; In the letter, the author explains his opposition to the Voting Rights Act and then offers a number of…
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