Browse Items (446 total)

After thanking Senator Bayh for his interpretation of Johnson's policies in Vietnam, the Bloomington resident shares where their views depart. He cites both failure a to recognize the history of the 1954 policy and a flawed view of communist…

In a brief letter a constituent calls on Senator Bayh to see participants of an Michigan teach-in and alleged fundraiser for the Viet Cong be tried for treason.

In a rebuke of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's actions, an Indianapolis resident expresses his opinion of the situation in Vietnam. Pointedly, the constituent asks Senator Bayh, "…are you interested in saving McNamara's face or in saving…

Telegram from the Presbytery of Hudson River of the United Presbyterian Church to Carl Albert deploring the situation in Selma and supporting the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

TLS from August P. LaFrance, Secretary of State with enclosure of H 1637 "Resolution Memorializing the Congress of the United States to Propose an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Prohibiting Literacy Test, so-called, in the States,…

TLS from constituent in Tulsa, Oklahoma, expressing opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and to the Civil Rights movement. TL from Carl Albert thanking the constituent for sharing his views.

"Proposed Federal Legislation of Voting Rights" report by the Committee on Federal Legislation and the Committee on the Bill of Rights, The Association of the Bar of the City of New York. The report cites preceeding legislation and concludes with the…

TLS from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Director, Washington Bureau, supporting the Voting Rights Act amendment to outlaw the poll tax. Detailed memorandum concerning the problems of the poll taxes and protection…

TLS from the Executive Secretary of the Norfolk Christian Leadership Conference commending Representative Ted Kennedy for his work in seeking to add a poll tax ban to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The letter is also addressed to Representatives Carl…

Form Letter to Constituents Critical of the Voting Rights Bill
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