Browse Items (446 total)

Signed Dear Colleague letter from members of the House Committee on Public Works encouraging members to vote for the Highway Beautification Act of 1965.

Letter introducing an advertising campaign for safe driving practices among teenagers

Letter introducing an advertising campaign for safe driving practices among teenagers

A letter to Representative Gallagher from New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture expressing concern about certain provisions of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act that may preempt state authority, especially concerning weights and measures. Includes…

A letter to Speaker Carl Albert's office from a political science student at Oklahoma State University requesting data on constituent correspondence concerning a series of editorials in the Daily Oklahoman which urged Oklahoma voters to oppose the…

President Lyndon B. Johnson writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) to congratulate him on the passage of the truth-in-packaging legislation and comments that the 89th Congress has earned "the right to be called the Consumer Congress".

This constituent expressed the opinion that the Highway Beautification Act could be too strict and negatively impact his business.

Babcock, in his capacity as Provost of the Vermont State Colleges, offered his views on bills regarding higher education, with a focus on the impact in Vermont.

Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Consumer Services, to Congressman Poage discussing the need for an increased amount of school children participants for the new lunch programs. July 15, 1966

Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Consumer Services, to Congressman Poage discussing the pilot program for a new school lunch project in Texas. June 20, 1966

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