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Typed letter from a constituent in California to Rep. Dowdy opposing the Voting Rights Bill of 1965

In May 13, 1965, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairman Paul Rand Dixon wrote Senator Warren G. Magnuson to restate the position of the agency that warnings in cigarette advertising, not just labels on packages, would more fully inform the…

Typed letter from a constituent in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Rep. John Dowdy on the topic of "Health Care for the Aged" with a proposal; Attached to the letter is a copy of a proposal which the doctor submitted to the Chairman of the Ways and Means…

On May 3, 1965, Senator Howard W. Cannon (D-NV) wrote Muskie about the serious threat to the Las Vegas Valley water supply if the House version of S. 4 became law and hoped “that you and other Senate conferees will insist that the Senate position on…

Letter from Jack Nix, superintendent, Georgia Department of Education to Congressman Maston O’Neal offering feedback on proposed amendments to the Childhood Nutrition Act, June 17, 1966.

While there was strong support for a new department from city residents, urban political leaders, and housing advocacy organizations, rural America was less receptive. This letter from John C. Lynn, Legislative Director of the American Farm Bureau…

On June 14, 1965, the House Democratic leadership rallied the majority to “support the President” and to fulfill “a specific pledge of the Democratic Platforms both in 1960 and 1964” by voting for H.R. 6927. They warned that the bill’s opponents’…

Handwritten letter from a constituent in Lufkin, Texas to Rep. John Dowdy on the topic of Social Security and Medicare health plans with a reply from Dowdy; The constituent asks Dowdy for information about the new Medicare health plans and also makes…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…
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