Browse Items (446 total)

A memorandum to Senator Bayh briefing him on a meeting with Cyrus Eaton, who recently returned from a trip to the Soviet Union. His conclusions are summarized in the memo indicating the situation is very grave noting a high probability that the…

Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Consumer Services, to Congressman Poage discussing the pilot program for a new school lunch project in Texas. June 20, 1966

Letter from Rodney E. Leonard, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Consumer Services, to Congressman Poage discussing the need for an increased amount of school children participants for the new lunch programs. July 15, 1966

In this letter, Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) about a revised version of the Senate's Fair Packaging Legislation and suggests that Staggers may want to introduce the bill in the House.

In this letter to Representative Harley O. Staggers, Senator Warren G. Magnuson explains why the Senate chose to separate the Tire Bill and Traffic Safety Bill and urges the House to adopt these as separate pieces of legislation.

On January 21, 1965, Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-MT) wrote Senator Randolph Jennings (D-WV) urging him to make “a special effort” to complete the subcommittee hearings and report S. 3 to the full committee chaired by Senator Pat McNamara…

Explanatory document outlining amendments to the National School Lunch Act as proposed by Senate Bill 3467, sent to Senator Herman Talmadge by Josephine Martin, State Supervisor, Georgia School Food Service Program, June 22, 1966.

Report comparing three major voting rights bills pending before the House of Representatives during the 89th Congress; The three bills compared are HR 7896: The Republican Bill by Mr. Ford and Mr. McCulloch, HR 6400: The Committee-Celler Bill by Mr.…

Americans all over the country wrote to Senator Williams, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, expressing their opinions and frustrations with the John administration's involvement with Vietnam. In his response Senator Williams…

In a Dear Colleague letter, Representative Arch A. Moore (R-WV) provided a brief summary of the Immigration bill reported out by the House Committee on the Judiciary on August 3, 1965. He wrote that H.R. 2580 was completely rewritten by the…
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