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Bayh and his staff had managed to line up 72 cosponsors and they reached out to the White House, resulting in a mention of succession legislation in the State of the Union speech. On Jan 28 the White House sent a full-fledged endorsement of S. J.…

President Lyndon B. Johnson writes to Representative Harley O. Staggers (D-WV) to congratulate him on the passage of the truth-in-packaging legislation and comments that the 89th Congress has earned "the right to be called the Consumer Congress".

On January 12, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson sent Congress a forceful education message proposing “that we declare a national goal of Full Educational Opportunity.” Further, he asserted, “Every child must be encouraged to get as much education…

In this press release of January 7, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared that “this year is the year when… Congress should enact a hospital insurance program for the aged” and outlined major features of the program. Representative Cecil King…

In January, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson met with civil rights leaders and told them that he would push for a law protecting voting rights after Congress passed an education bill and Medicare. Civil rights leaders refused to wait. After they…

On February 18, the day S. J. Res. 1 was to be the pending order of business in the Senate, press reports made Bayh and his staff aware that Everett Dirksen might join Roman Hruska’s effort to replace the resolution with an enabling amendment only,…

A key barrier was Senator Ken Keating of New York, who had favored an enabling amendment rather than one specifying procedures in the event of Presidential disability. On March 26 he sent Bayh a letter with a detailed analysis of S. J. Res. 139,…

On January 23, 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment, banning the poll tax in all federal elections, was ratified. As introduced, S. 1564 did not ban poll taxes for state and local election. The administration and many senators did not believe such a…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…
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