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The Senate Commerce Committee was also under intense pressure from health organizations to pass stronger legislation that would inform the public about the health hazards of cigarette smoking. For example, this resolution passed by the American…

In May 13, 1965, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairman Paul Rand Dixon wrote Senator Warren G. Magnuson to restate the position of the agency that warnings in cigarette advertising, not just labels on packages, would more fully inform the…

On January 18, 1965, Representative Walter Rogers (D-TX) introduced H.R. 3014, a bill that was similar to S. 559. That bill was referred to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee and was reported to the House on June 28 by a committee…

House passage of H.R. 3014 provoked strong opposition from health organizations and liberal advocacy groups. On June 24, 1965, Americans for Democratic Action issued this press release stating that the Senate-passed bill “is at least tolerable,” but…

Throughout his long career in Congress, Senator Robert C. Byrd penned a regular column titled Byrd's Eye View that ran in newspapers across West Virginia. The columns were one way in which the Senator shared news from Washington D.C. with…

In this Byrd's Eye View column, Senator Byrd informs West Virginians about the short and long-term dangers of teen smoking. Byrd also outlines public health officials' multi-faceted efforts to combat it and challenges the notion that smoking…

TLS from the President of the University of New Mexico Student Senate detailing a student resolution passed in favor of the Voter Registration Bill. TL response thanks the Student Senate President for the notification of the resolution and assures…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. stating support for Eldercare legislation, dated March 15, 1965. Eldercare was one of the programs proposed in 1965 as part of the amendments to the Social Security act of 1935. It was an…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. stating support for Eldercare legislation, dated March 16, 1965. Eldercare was one of the programs proposed in 1965 as part of the amendments to the Social Security act of 1935. It was an…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. stating support for Eldercare legislation, dated March 20, 1965. Eldercare was one of the programs proposed in 1965 as part of the amendments to the Social Security act of 1935. It was an…
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