Browse Items (446 total)

A 1966 publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Public Roads aimed at the American public which describes the history and the scope of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965.

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. criticizing Gore's efforts to end the conflict in Vietnam. The letter references communism, other world leaders, and makes a particular reference to Neville Chamberlain in a handwritten…

Image of House Assistant Minority Leader Les Arends and Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen

Drawing of Indira Gandhi by Hyde Murray on the back of a Pan American Airplane Menu; Text: "To Fowler - chap - Both India and I await your prompt return - with affection, Indira, December 1966, HM"; The menu is "The President Special"

In a brief letter a constituent calls on Senator Bayh to see participants of an Michigan teach-in and alleged fundraiser for the Viet Cong be tried for treason.

The itinerary notes the major events of the Congressional Delegation trip to India from December 16 to December 21. Some of the key meetings and events include a tour of the drought area in Gaya, visiting the port area of Madras, several meetings…

Correspondence from constituent to Senator Albert Gore, Sr. criticizing Gore's efforts to end the conflict in Vietnam, undated. The letter is informal and handwritten on a sheet of unlined notepaper with a torn bottom edge. The letter addresses Gore…

In this letter, Congressmen W. R. Poage and Robert J. Dole and Senator Jack Miller describe their trip to India and urge the Secretary of Agriculture to consider a donation of 1.8 million tons of grain to India. They argue that the donation should be…

An article from The Washington Post reporting the final committee vote on the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, sending it to the House of Representatives for passage. The article describes the arduous hearings and the testimony of some…

On February 18, the day S. J. Res. 1 was to be the pending order of business in the Senate, press reports made Bayh and his staff aware that Everett Dirksen might join Roman Hruska’s effort to replace the resolution with an enabling amendment only,…
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