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Form letter for the passing of the Social Security Bill; This form letter was written for constituents who recommended that "Eldercare" be passed. Dowdy informs the reader that he opposed the "medicare" provision, but supported the "Eldercare"…

Americans all over the country wrote to Senator Williams, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, expressing their opinions and frustrations with the John administration's involvement with Vietnam. In his response Senator Williams…

In this exchange, a Wilmington resident attending Stanford University expresses his frustrations with the Johnson administration's policy on Vietnam. He reported to Senator Williams the increase of professors and students who were joining protests…

The chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Emmanuel Celler (D-NY), had come on board to support S. J. Res. 139 in late May 1964. Since the 65 senators present for the vote had approved the amendment and another 20 had indicated support, the task in…

In previous years, legislation providing federal support for the arts had failed in the House, but on July 14, 1965, the House Education and Labor Committee reported H.R. 9460 which was similar to the bill the Senate had approved. Supporters of the…

Representative Emanuel Celler sponsored H. J. Res. 1, a companion to the resolution passed by the Senate, and reported it from the House Judiciary Committee on March 24, 1965. This engrossing copy of the resolution passed in the House on April 13,…

HR 13361, the Childhood Nutrition Act, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 7, 1966. During the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson’s landmark set of domestic programs, known as the Great Society, refocused attention on issues of…

On January 18, 1965, Representative Walter Rogers (D-TX) introduced H.R. 3014, a bill that was similar to S. 559. That bill was referred to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee and was reported to the House on June 28 by a committee…

The Older Americans Act, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 14, 1965, originated in the House of Representatives on January 27, 1965, when John E. Fogarty (D-RI) introduced H.R. 3708. Fogarty’s bill was referred to the House…

On March 18, 1965, Representative Emanuel Celler (D-NY), chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary, introduced the administration bill, H.R. 6400. The 77-year-old chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary stated that people preventing…
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