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A report from John Dowdy on the Social Security Amendments passed in 1965; The report explains the major provisions of the Social Security Amendments and compares these provisions to the older Social Security system.

Form letter for the passing of the Social Security Bill; This form letter was written for constituents who recommended that "Eldercare" be passed. Dowdy informs the reader that he opposed the "medicare" provision, but supported the "Eldercare"…

The insights of former President Eisenhower, which advised replacing the Speaker of the House in the chain of succession with a sequence of Cabinet members, were sought and incorporated. Knowing that the House, despite having 22 proposals related to…

S. 3 moved through the House of Representatives quickly. It was reported by the House Committee on Public Works, chaired by George H. Fallon (D-MD), on February 17, 1965. On February 26, 1965, Fallon sent this telegram to North Carolina Governor…

This Fort Lauderdale, Florida resident sent Senator John J. Williams a copy of the poem "I Am the Nation" and a type-written letter expressing their disappointment over the U.S. involvement with the war in Vietnam. "I Am the Nation" was originally…

These letters primarily confirm Congressmen William R. Poage and Robert J. Dole's participation in the Congressional Delegation to India. The letters thank the Congressmen for their willingness to travel to India and observe the Food for Peace…

A press release announces a device that appears quite similar to GPS technology: "a new experimental road-vehicle communications system...that would remind the motorist of speed and traffic signs, enable him to summon help in an emergency, and…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between New Haven Mayor Richard C. Lee and Congressman Robert Giaimo, in which Lee and Giaimo discuss appropriations for the Demonstration Cities Program. These letters highlight the importance of…

Robert N. Giaimo (D-CT) was a member of the 86th-96th Congresses from the Third District of Connecticut (New Haven area) from 1958-1980. Giaimo served on the Housing and Urban Development subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee in the…

A San Antonio businessman urges Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez to support President Johnson's increased funding requests for the Vietnam War. Rep. Gonzalez responds with luke-warm support for President Johnson's Vietnam policy, stating that he is "not…
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