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Members of the Congressional Delegation participated in an exhaustive briefing on conditions in the drought affected areas of Bihar. The briefing was presided over by the Prime Minister's Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. J. P. Narayan.

Congressman William R. Poage presents a Kennedy half-dollar to a Hindu holy man in a village in Tanjore District, Madras State.

Members of the Delegation and their staffs along with Mr. James Boulware (fifth from left) at Tiruchi airport just after being garlanded by local farmers and officials who came to welcome them.

Congressmen William R. Poage of Texas (with hat) and Robert J. Dole of Kansas (dark suit center) watch the unloading of American food grain in Madras harbor December 19. The three-man U. S. Congressional Delegation led by Congressman Poage visited…

Graph representing the projected number of malnourished children in free world developing countries from 1966-1975; page 19 of the February 10, 1966 Food for Freedom booklet

Image of House Assistant Minority Leader Les Arends and Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen

USDA Press Release; Text: "USDA Announces Amendment to Food for Peace Agreement with India: The U. S. Department of Agriculture today announced further amendment to the Sept. 30, 1964, Food for Peace agreement between the United States and India…

Newspaper article and political cartoon from The San Diego Union; Article is titled "U.S. Stockpile Dangerously Low, Wheat Weighs in Diplomacy"; Cartoon is titled "A Fire Has Been Brought to My Attention"

Telegraph from Robert Heath of the Washington Committee of the University Christian Movement to Representative Harold Cooley; Text: "We affirm Food for Peace bill but deplore political strings attached by House which encroach upon sovereighty (sic)…

The phrase "Food for Freedom" translated into Hindi (Swadhinta hit Khadyann), Urdu (Khurak bra-i-azadi), Portuguese (Alimentos para liberdade), and Arabic (El-ghidda' - li'ajil - el'hurriyah); Information collected by Secretary of State Dean Rusk for…
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