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In a Dear Colleague letter, Representative Arch A. Moore (R-WV) provided a brief summary of the Immigration bill reported out by the House Committee on the Judiciary on August 3, 1965. He wrote that H.R. 2580 was completely rewritten by the…

A news release from Mo Udall to all members of the House of Representatives detailing crucial voting days leading up to the passage of the Voting Rights Act.

Correspondence from Lawrence F. O'Brien, Special Assistant to the President, thanking Albert for his comments on policy in Vietnam to deter aggression from Hanoi. Enclosed is a copy of Albert's comments in the House of Representatives Congressional…

At the opening of the February 4 Judiciary Committee meeting, Everett Dirksen presented a surprise amendment to S. J. Res. 1 that would have essentially gutted the resolution of language laying out specific procedures for handling presidential…

It had become clear that Everett Dirksen, who in the previous Congress had been absorbed in the battles over the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and so had seen fit to let S. J. Res. 139 move unimpeded toward Senate passage, was now focused on its…

The Disabled American Veterans organization sent a letter and wall map of Vietnam to Senator John J. Williams.

This Fort Lauderdale, Florida resident sent Senator John J. Williams a copy of the poem "I Am the Nation" and a type-written letter expressing their disappointment over the U.S. involvement with the war in Vietnam. "I Am the Nation" was originally…

This letter is part of a series of correspondence between Senator Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT) and his constituents regarding the relationship of the Federal Maritime Administration to the Department of Transportation under H.R. 15963 and S. 3010, the bills…

Edited speech by Rep. John Dowdy on voting rights printed on the back of Dowdy stationary

A copy of the remarks made by Congressman Claude Pepper on the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
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