Browse Items (446 total)

Comments by Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) on the State of the Union

Photograph of Senators Mike Mansfield (D-MT) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL)

Featuring the question of the week, “What Can We Believe?” House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford (R-MI) pictured with Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL)

Press release from Joint Senate-House Republican leadership press conference

In May 13, 1965, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairman Paul Rand Dixon wrote Senator Warren G. Magnuson to restate the position of the agency that warnings in cigarette advertising, not just labels on packages, would more fully inform the…

On March 30, 1966, Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) called on the insurance industry to join the efforts of President Johnson and Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT), among others, to improve vehicle safety.

On March 30, 1966, Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) called on the insurance industry to join the efforts of President Johnson and Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT), among others, to improve vehicle safety.

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Esther Peterson on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Peterson was the Assistant Secretary of Labor and the first Chairman of the first President's Committee on…

This script outlines the questions asked by Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT) when interviewing Senator Philip Hart (D-MI) on the Connecticut Radio-TV Program. Senator Hart was involvement with the Truth-in-Packaging bill was discussed in this interview.
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