Browse Items (446 total)

ALS from constituent expresses disgust at violence in Selma and support for the passage for voting rights legislation, TL from Harris promises his support in the passage of the legislation.

TLS expresses constituent's belief that voting rights legislation is an extreme reaction and illegal, TL from Cohelan explains how the 15th Amendment supports voting rights legislation, TLS contains constituent response and an apology for some…

TLS expresses constituent's belief that billboards play a positive role for travelers, something that he felt the Highway Beautification Act would undermine. TL from Rep. Steed acknowledges these concerns and promises to seek practical solutions to…

TLS from constituent in Tulsa, Oklahoma, expressing opposition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and to the Civil Rights movement. TL from Carl Albert thanking the constituent for sharing his views.

ALS from constituent encourages Senator Harris to support voting rights legislation, TL from Harris assures constituent of his support for the legislation.

This document is an early cosponsors list of all House and Senate members for the Bill to establish a National Traffic Safety Agency.

Clipping from the Daily Oklahoman of editorial in opposition to the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act. The column urged Oklahoma voters to contact their representatives.

The House Judiciary Committee and the Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee received much correspondence from individuals and groups explaining how national immigration quotas adversely affected them. This letter from the General Counsel of…

Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act

A Dear Colleague letter from Page Belcher that uses a perceived insult in a letter from Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman to argue for an amendment to block North Vietnam and Cuba from benefitting from the proposed Food for Peace program.…
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