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  • Collection: W.R. Poage Legislative Library

Distinguished visitors in South India are traditionally greeted with these enormous horns.

Members of the Delegation and their staffs along with Mr. James Boulware (fifth from left) at Tiruchi airport just after being garlanded by local farmers and officials who came to welcome them.

Congressmen Poage and Dole are welcomed at New Delhi Airport by Ambassador Chester Bowles. Left to right: Congressman Robert J. Dole, Mr. James Boulware, Agriculture Attache, Congressman William R. Poage, Mrs. Bowles, Abassador Bowles.

Congressmen William R. Poage of Texas (with hat) and Robert J. Dole of Kansas (dark suit center) watch the unloading of American food grain in Madras harbor December 19. The three-man U. S. Congressional Delegation led by Congressman Poage visited…

Congressman William R. Poage presents a Kennedy half-dollar to a Hindu holy man in a village in Tanjore District, Madras State.

Congressman William R. Poage at Buddha-Gaya Temple in Bihar State.

Members of the Congressional Delegation participated in an exhaustive briefing on conditions in the drought affected areas of Bihar. The briefing was presided over by the Prime Minister's Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. J. P. Narayan.

A group of South Indian children who turned out in large numbers to greet the U. S. Congressional Delegation in Tanjore District, Madras State.

Opinion Ballot from a constituent in Rockdale, Texas on the subject of whether Congress should pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965; The constituent writes that he is not opposed to literacy tests if they are adminstered fairly and without…

A letter from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference on the March for Freedom Flag Committee; The letter asks for volunteers to help with the 1965 March for Freedom from Selma to Montgomery.
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