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  • Collection: Indiana University Libraries Modern Political Papers

Writing from Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, an Army Chaplain spouse relates the complex emotions her husband is encountering during his service in Vietnam. She shares details from his letters home with Senator Bayh.

A press release from "CARE," announcing the 3,000-plus Indiana college and university students preparing for a state-wide campaign to raise funds for South Vietnamese school children. Called "Indiana Students who CARE," the group's honorary chairman…

A staff memorandum to Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN) summarizes the Cigarette Labeling Act as reported by the Commerce Committee and proposed amendments.

Three areas of disagreement emerged between House and Senate versions, all involving time: the period of time during which the vice president and cabinet must decide whether they disagree with the president’s declaration that he is fit to resume his…

In the House, 32 proposals regarding Presidential succession had been introduced. Hearings were scheduled to begin February 7 before the full House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Emmanuel Celler, on the first day of which Bayh was to appear. In…

But differences within the Senate quickly surfaced. Senator Keating had been defeated in the November election, but his objections were taken up by Roman Hruska, a new member of the subcommittee, during the January 29 hearings. Bayh’s notes…

The agreement was proudly announced to the press.

Identical bills were introduced in the House and Senate in the first week of January by Emanuel Celler (D-NY) and Birch Bayh (D-IN) respectively and a supporting analysis issued by the American Bar Association as part of its effort to mobilize public…
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