United States Senate Historical Office

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United States Senate Historical Office


Serving as the Senate's institutional memory, the Historical Office collects and provides information on important events, precedents, dates, statistics, and historical comparisons of current and past Senate activities for use by members and staff, the media, scholars, and the general public. The office advises senators and committees on cost-effective disposition of their non-current office files, assists researchers seeking access to Senate records, and maintains automated information data bases detailing locations of former members' papers.
It conducts oral history interviews with retired senior Senate staff and keeps extensive biographical and bibliographical information on former senators. A collection of more than thirty thousand Senate-related photographs and other illustrations is available for research and publication use. The Historical Office and its staff has also produced numerous publications through the years, covering all aspects of Senate history.

Collection Items

Photograph of Senators Everett Dirksen and Mike Mansfield
Senators Everett Dirsken (R-IL) and Mike Mansfield (D-MT)

Photograph of Senator Mike Mansfield <br /><br />
Senator Mike Mansfield (D-MT)

Photograph of Senators Mike Mansfield and Everett Dirksen<br /><br />
Senators Mike Mansfield (D-MT) and Everett Dirksen (R-IL)

Photograph of Senator Russell Long<br /><br />
Portrait of Senator Russell Long (D-LA)

Photograph of Senator Thomas Kuchel<br /><br />
Portrait of Senator Thomas H. Kuchel (R-CA)
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